Monday, October 27, 2008

Oooooo, that smell

I was walking to class with a couple of friends this afternoon. We were walking behind some guy who was smoking a rolled cigarette. One of my friends says, "Hey, I don't think that's tobacco he's smoking." The other guy says, "I wouldnt know, I don't know what pot smells like."

We continue walking in a semi-awkward silence. I got the feeling they were waiting for me to comment. Funny how these guys, who barely know me, assume I will enlighten them on whether or not we are witnessing someone actually smoke, *gasp*, Marijuana!

"Guys, he's definately smoking tobacco"

Que judgemental stares
I understand that many religion enthusiasts may not be exposed to pot smoke on a regular basis. However, to believe that fellow students would casually smoke a joint as they walk around campus is just plain ignorant.

1 comment:

The Crippes King said...

I've been on this campus at The U for some time now. I've never seen anyone smoking a joint walking around. It just doesn't happen that way. I mean, if I were to walk around and smoke dope, I would certainly conceal it better than a joint. At least use a one-hitter that's painted to look like a cigarette. I wouldn't do such things of course, but I'm just saying...